February Newsletter

February Newsletter


Here we are in the month of love ❤️ January and its good intentions are behind us and we can concentrate on the people, the pets and the activities that make us happy. Spring is just around the corner with its promise of beautiful flowers, soft green new leaves and summer activities.

Whilst for many Valentines Day may seem to be a bit of a ‘Hallmark’ event, it does remind us to cherish the things we love and to acknowledge that love. 

Our pets appreciate a bit of extra affection just as our human friends do, so take the time to groom, play with, walk or cuddle your pet.

Whilst we are thinking about love let’s not forget to love ourselves too! A box of our favorite chocolates, a rom com movie on the tv and a glass of wine could be a way of expressing self love! And whilst watching that movie cuddle up to your pet, unless your pet is a horse of course!

Winterly Film Results

It’s a draw! We have joint winners for this month’s competition, Happy Feet and Anna Karenina.  Thank you for all your votes, keep them coming please.

February’s Competition

In the spirit of love for this month’s competition let’s vote for our favorite romantic film, can be a rom-com like Notting Hill, a real weepy like Love Story, a gritty romance like Brokebank Mountain, a real classic like Romeo and Juliet or Pride and Prejudice, you choose. 

Pet Thoughts

Share your photos and pet thoughts on Instagram or Facebook

I’m not very tall but that doesn’t stop me from racing around outside and if I am honest it doesn’t stop me racing around inside either, although this is not always appreciated by my home owners!

I’m very inquisitive too and love to know what is going on around me and what my human friends are doing. I want to be part of what is going on and love to be with the smaller humans in the house.

At times though, I think that they need to stop wandering around, what looks like aimlessly to me, and I try to move them into a cohesive group, sometimes it works but not always!

However I just wait for the right moment and then I start again and try to get the humans to bunch together, it must be my herding instincts from when my ancestors used to herd cattle.

Although I like to run around and have lots of energy to participate with my human’s activities, I do love it when we settle down to watch the tv and I am allowed to sit on the sofa with all the family.

I really enjoy them stroking me whilst we cuddle up, it is one of my favorite times of the day. I’m lucky to be part of a human family that likes the outdoors and doing things together, I love them very much.

Sometimes I have to be quite fierce if I think another human is being unkind to one of my family of humans, but they do say that my bark is worse than my bite.

My name is Betty and I am a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and I live with the Parkes family of humans.

We hope you enjoyed our newsletter and we look forward to sharing more news, pics and stories with you in the next one.

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