May Newsletter

May is a month full of promise and beauty. Fresh green leaves, blossom, grass which has changed colour from brown to bright green, in all nature at her prettiest best. May also promises lovely weather, shrugging off the cold of winter and not yet stifling with the heat of summer.
May too is a month when we celebrate Mothers and remember those who have fought for our freedom. Memorial Day also being the unofficial start of summer, so lots to celebrate and remember.
Perhaps more importantly, May is National Pet Month! 🐾, time then to celebrate all our pets. As well as celebrating the love we have for our Mothers we must celebrate the love that pets bring into our lives. Pets bring joy, companionship and are rarely critical of our actions, (not quite the same is true of Moms on the critical front!).
We live in troubled times but May gives us the opportunity to get outdoors to enjoy nature, to give thanks to our Mothers for the gift of life, to enjoy activities with our pets and to remember those who have fought for us to have the freedom to do these things.
No competition this month, so in honor of Memorial Day let’s reflect on that excellent book, stage play and film, War Horse. A story that brings home the sacrifices that humans and animals have made for us in the past to enable us to live our lives in freedom.
Pet Tales
I am very fortunate to have an extensive home which includes a large amount of land and a charming wooden structure which is entirely waterproof. Most days I roam the land and eat lots!
I have a young friend who joins me some days and we spend lots of time jumping over things, fences, sticks, hedges and the like. After our jumping sessions my friend brushes my coat and hair and talks to me softly. This is one of my favorite times of day because it makes me realise how much she loves me. Because she loves me I try very hard with the jumping because it makes her happy when we jump over lots of things without knocking them down.
Sometimes we go out together and meet other jumpers and we have a bit of a competition to see which one of us can jump the best. This is when I try really hard as my friend loves it when we win, we get ribbon things to adorn ourselves with and treats to eat, (my favorite part of the outing!). I look forward to our outings but mainly I just love to be with my friend enjoying the outdoors.
My home has a half door that is left open during the day and I often stand at the door waiting for my friend to arrive, I call to her when I see her approaching across the land and she waves at me and quite often brings me a treat to eat, a carrot or an apple. She always opens the door fully so that I can roam across the land or we do the jumping thing together.
My name is Merry, I am a pony with Shetland heritage and my friend is called Susan, she is 14 years old in human age.