November Newsletter

November Newsletter

A month for reflection and time to give thanks. A month for travel and spending time with relatives. A month for remembering to be patient and for holding one’s tongue! Yes, it’s Thanksgiving this month! Lots of anticipation, too much food and a sense that actually, only seeing your loved ones now and again may not be such a bad thing after all! (I’m joking of course 😂).

A big part of all our families are our pets who provide us with love, comfort and company all year round and deserve special treatment too when we focus on things to be thankful for. It’s great to have your dog accompany you on a post lunch walk, your cat to cuddle up with to watch a Thanksgiving movie or your horse to go for a brisk ride on. Our pets give us another dimension to family, someone to talk to without fear of reproach or ridicule, someone to play games and be silly with and someone to love unconditionally.

Enjoy your family time, your pets and time to reflect on the good things of life.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Best Cat Film Winner

We have a clear winner in our favorite cat film competition! And the Spa Trophy goes to ‘Cats’, a film full of singing humans dressed as cats! Runner up is Batman Returns, something to do with Michelle Pfeifer methinks! Thank you to all our voters keep it up!

Next film competition is to choose your favorite Thanksgiving film with or without an animal star. Choose a film that has a Thanksgiving theme or one that you watch with the family. Think Free Birds, Little Women, Prisoners, Sweet November, Black Friday or Instant Family.

Pet Thoughts

Share your photos and pet thoughts on Instagram or Facebook!

Pet Stories

I am fortunate to have a very large house with lots of room for my bed area and activity equipment. On the whole I prefer to be alone but my provider is very special and understands my need to sleep during the day. Most evenings she talks to me and sometimes cuddles me gently in her hands.

It took me a while to get used to her but when I realized how gentle she is I began to relax into her cuddles and even to like the way she stroked my back.

The level of service from my provider is very high indeed, every day she supplies me with fresh food and water and her housekeeping skills are second to none. She never leaves the light on in the room my house is in and doesn’t mind if I play all night! I have some permanent activity equipment in my house, like my big wheel, I love running round and round and sometimes I almost forget to stop it’s such fun. My provider, who is called Jenny by the way, puts different things in my home like tubes and balls which I can play with for hours.

My favorite place though is my nesting box, it has a great tunnel entrance and lovely nesting material which I can burrow into at the end of the night and sleep the day away ready for my first cuddle of the evening.

My name is Harry and I am a golden hamster.

We hope you enjoyed our newsletter and we look forward to sharing more news, pics and stories with you in the next one.

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